Claudio Rocha
A graphic artist and typographer, he was born in São Paulo. He is a director and founding partner of OTSP – Oficina Tipográfica de São Paulo, one of the contemporary references when it comes to movable type. He is also a type designer and has authored some fonts of the ITC– International Typeface Corporation catalog.
A member of the digital type foundry Now Type, he is the author of several books on typography and co-editor of the Brazilian magazine Tupigrafia, dedicated to typography and calligraphy. He lived (and occasionally still lives …) in Italy, where he is a regular contributor to the Tipoteca Italiana Fondazione (another Meca of movable type) and was co-editor of its magazine Tipoitalia.
He regularly leads letterpress workshops and is invited to deliver lectures at prominent sites. These include the Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum in the U.S., the St. Bride Library in London and conferences such as the ATy pI, the TypoBerlin or the North American TypeCon.