Was a letterpress compositor apprentice with a master of the National Printing Office in an old print shop in Cais do Sodré, Lisboa. Begun his projects in collaboration with design er Robin Fior in Lisbon and by studying letterpress with Alan Kitching in London. Established in his own studio in 1996.
His work is extensive and diverse. Two print ed monographys from two retrospective exhibitions crease his canon: Fragas Falantes, 20 anos 20 Tipos de Letra (UBI, Covilhã, 2016); Ter ra Plana, Humanismo e Formalismo, Vinte Anos de Prática Projectual em Design Gráfico (Casa da Cerca, Almada, 2017). Attend ed the National Conservatory in the sing ing class with António Wagner having studied with composers Jorge Peixinho and Pau lo Brandão, while pursuing a degree in Communication Design at FBAUL. Has a Master of Arts by the Royal College of Arts in London; is a Master in Sociology of Communication by ISCTE; is a Doctor by Universidade de Lisboa.
Presently he is a Auxiliar Professor at Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, where he founded and directs the Master in Typographic and Contemporary Editorial Practics. Visiting Professor at Norwich University of Arts; Univerza Liubliana; Berlin Universität der Kunste; Weißensee Berlin; Accademia BelleArti Bologna; Aalto University Helsínquia; Tampere University; Karel de Grote University Antuérpia; Marmara Üniversitisi Istambul; Accademia BelleArti Venezia; Politecnico di Milano; Kunst Universität Linz; Hochschule RheinMain; Cardiff University.